Religious education
Lower Key Stage 2 RE Bumper Pack!
A variety of RE units of work, including differentiation, interactive activities and strategies to suit a variety of learners. Units of work include Jesus the Healer, Christisnity Through The Arts, Hinduism, The Wider Church and What is Christmas to Christians? Each file provides planning, resources, Powerpoints, homework and title pages.
RE- Lower Key Stage 2- The Wider Church
A detailed unit of planning, based on The Wider Church. This planning explores a variety of churches and places of worship from different religions. This includes planning with activities to suit a variety of learners, a variety of resources, key questions, vocabulary and a Powerpoint to support each session.
RE Lower Key Stage 2- Jesus The Healer
A detailed Lower Key Stage 2 unit of work, with resources, homework, title page, vocabulary and Powerpoint to support each session.
Lower Key Stage 2 Homework Bundle.
A range of homework for Lower Key Stage, year 3/4 in Maths, SPAG, the Romans and Judaism, with an editable class homework tick chart.
RE- Hinduism
A Lower Key Stage 2 Unit of work based on Hinuism, with activities to suit a variety of learning styles and Powerpoint and title page to support.
RE- What is Christmas to Christians
What is Christmas to Christians Lower Key Stage 2 Unit of work.
RE- Christianity through the Arts
A Lower Key Stage 2 Unit of work, with Powerpoint to support and title page.
Lower Key Stage 2 RE- Caring For Creation.
A detailed Unit of work for year 3/4, based on Caring For Creation, with resources.
Judaism Homework
RE Judaism, editable homework sheet, with a list of 5 activities to choose from.